Prioritizing Accountability and Efficiency:

A Commitment to Monroe County's Future

I am running for Monroe County Commissioner with a clear mission: to be your watchdog on the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). In the past two years, our county's budget has surged by an alarming 44%, ballooning by $147 million in just the last year. Our current total budget stands at a staggering $667 million, a figure that equates to over $8,100 for every single resident among our 82,000-strong community. No other county in Florida spends as extravagantly.

As your County Commissioner, I am committed to actual transparency and accountability. With a background as an accountant and auditor, I am well-equipped to serve as your eyes and ears on the BOCC. It's crucial that you know where every dollar is going and how it is being spent. Monroe County deserves a fiscal watchdog, and I am ready to step into that role.

Over the past two years, as our budget has swelled, the monthly meetings have paradoxically shortened. There's been a noticeable decline in discussion and engagement from Commissioners.

 I am dedicated to revitalizing these meetings, fostering vibrant discussions, and exploring innovative solutions to achieve our shared goals and address the challenges we face.

One pressing issue we must tackle is affordable housing. With the average property tax bill on workforce housing skyrocketing by 17% in a single year, the dream of affordable living in the Keys becomes increasingly elusive. Higher taxes directly translate to increased rents and mortgages, making it imperative that we address this issue head-on.

Your hard-earned money as a Keys resident is at stake, and as your Commissioner, I pledge to ensure every dollar is spent as effectively as possible. It's time to rein in our runaway budget and ensure that our community's resources are allocated wisely. Together, let's build a Monroe County that is financially responsible, transparent, and focused on the well-being of its residents.

Priorities Summarized

Budget Oversight:

  • County budget has surged by 44% in the past two years.

  • Current total budget is $667 million.

  • Focus on transparency and accountability in budget management.

Fiscal Responsibility:

  • Commitment to being a fiscal watchdog for Monroe County.

  • Emphasis on knowing where every dollar is going and ensuring effective spending.

Revitalizing Meetings:

  • Noticeable decline in discussion and engagement in monthly meetings.

  • Dedication to revitalizing meetings, fostering vibrant discussions, and exploring innovative solutions.

Affordable Housing:

  • Recognition of affordable housing as a pressing issue.

  • Average property tax bill on workforce housing increased by 17% in a single year.

  • Commitment to addressing the challenges of affordable living in the Keys.

Community Engagement:

  • Pledge to involve the community in discussions and decision-making.

  • Focus on shared goals and addressing challenges through innovative solutions.

Effective Resource Allocation:

  • Acknowledgment that hard-earned money of Keys residents is at stake.

  • Pledge to ensure every dollar is spent as effectively as possible.

Runaway Budget Control:

  • Recognition of the need to rein in the runaway budget.

  • Goal to allocate community resources wisely for the well-being of residents.

Building Financially Responsible Community:

  • Vision to build a Monroe County that is financially responsible, transparent, and focused on resident well-being.